Hypothermia is a very serious and deadly condition that occurs when the body loses heat faster than it can produce. The symptoms of Hypothermia begin when the body temperature gets below 95 degrees. According to the Mayo Clinic, if left untreated, hypothermia eventually leads to complete failure of your heart and respiratory system and to death.
The Gillett Area Ambulance Service, Inc. would like you to know some of the symptoms of Hypothermia. It normally starts with shivering and leads to clumsiness, slurred speech, stumbling, confusion, poor decision making, drowsiness, apathy, weak pulse, and shallow breathing. If you or somebody you know starts to exhibit any of these signs get to a warm shelter immediately, remove wet and cold clothes, and if serious enough call 911. For more information about hypothermia go to
Grant me the wisdom so that I may treat those of your children that lay at my feet. Let my hands be gentle, sure and swift to impart to them your sacred gift.
Let me see only a patient's need not their color, race or creed. Help me always to be my best even when it's on my hours rest.
Grant me the insight to understand why patients of mine are going to die. Let me remember that when they do there is a wonderful life in Heaven with You.
Lord, if in the time of duty I should fall help my family to hold their heads tall. For it was You who decided that I should be one of your chosen few, an EMT. Amen.
-Author Unknown
911 Emergency Dispatching
Public safety dispatchers (also known as emergency dispatchers, Telecommunicators or 9-1-1 dispatchers) receive calls from individuals who need assistance from Firefighters, Police Officers, and Emergency Medical Services. Once information is obtained from the caller, these dispatchers activate the services necessary to respond to the nature of the call for help. Dispatchers are an integral part of the organization's success.